Specializing in child based settings I provide a fun, educating experience for everyone.
I primarily speak about my books, and about mental health. The current favorite is our lesson about the effect of words, some make know this as the "Im sorry" to the broken plate. In this demenstration we talk about a paper heart and how when hurtful words are said to it, it crumples. Then the effect of lifting it up, kind words and "Im sorry" after the fact. We see that the heart is smoothed out however its no longer in prestein condtion. With younger audiences we talk about kidness and respecting others and using our words wisley. With older children settings (3rd grade and up) we use age appropriote to the group disccusion about self worth, bullying and empowerment. We also touch on other methods of communication and how EVERYONES voices/words are important no matter how we communicate.
Pricing for Public Speaking Varies based on travel location and length of time.
(If your school would like to apply for a grant to help pay information can be provided)
Please inquire about public speaking on our contact form page.
*Public speaking is free for Girl Scouts groups if books are allowed to sold at the event, School fees may be waived if you all pre-order sales PRIOR to speaking and hit a specific amount of sales*
This does NOT include vendor oppertunities. If you have an event you would like Kayla To come to and vend at please reach out. She would love to be a vendor at local and non local events.
This Does not apply to PODCASTS I love podcasts and will always do my best to make time for any podcast